Senin, 30 April 2012
vmplayer on ubuntu 12.04
terpikir untuk sekalian mencicipi ubuntu 12.04, kali ini aku percayakan
easeus untuk melakukan pekerjaan me-resize partisi. karena testimoni beberapa temen kantor yang kebetulan sudah me-resize partisi beberapa kali dan berhasil.
tekad sudah bulat, niat sudah kuat. iso ubuntu amd_64 sudah ditangan. yang kurang adalah CD yang bisa dijadikan media untuk burn CD.
maunya keluar beli CD kosong namun sudah terlalu malam. jadi ingat di linux ada tool buat bisa booting di USB.
kukunjungi pendrive, download dan buat di USB. kemudian ditest apakah bener bisa jalan. ternyata jalan lancar.
petualangan dilanjutkan dengan menjalankan easeus ternyata me-resize membutuhkan waktu yang lama, jadi ditinggal tidur aja.
Kamis, 26 April 2012
interesting discussion about cloud
Cloud computing, yea i believe most of you understand that buzz
lately many company open their cloud services, until big giant company like telkom has telkomcloud.
One of my collage which already understood virtualization ask me what is the difference between virtualization and cloud computing?
In short answer virtualization is fundamental technology of cloud computing while cloud is delivery model of technology.
And we continue to mention kinds of
Cloud technology. From ibm smartcloud provisioning, vmware cloud, xen citrix cloud, until openstack.
" Technology should be used according to need rather than trend"
almost miss the meeting
I said alhamdulillah, i believe everything is controlled by Allah, eventhough i planned to come early from home but in the way to meeting place, i forgot the interchange, the result i took wrong destination which was sidoarjo porong, i was not panic and keep pray.
Once i got there, mr.client had another internal meeting. What should i say beside alhamdulillah, mean even i was late actually the meeting is pending anyway.
The meeting was ran well, we have such a great agreement and will have new project, i believe it's win-win agreement.
I came back to office afterward, guess what my college had blessed ceremony it's mean free lunch, hahaha not need to walk to have lunch.
Alhamdulillah for today